Le Bouf'Tard

Overall Rating 3.9 (11 reviews)


Le Bouf'Tard Description

The Le Bouf'Tard restaurant is located at the 11 Route de Seurre, Beaune Côte-d'Or. It serves Italian, French, Pizza, Traditional and Vegetarian food. The avarage rating of this restaurant rated by 11 reviewers is 3.9. For more deatils and orders call Le Bouf'Tard on 03 80 24 07 22.

Le Bouf'Tard Phone Number

Le Bouf'Tard Opening Hours

Opening Time is not available.


Le Bouf'Tard Location

Le Bouf'Tard Facilities

Serve Vegetarian FoodServe Vegetarian Food

Le Bouf'Tard Website

Website URL is not available.

Le Bouf'Tard Cuisine

Italian , French , Pizza , Traditional , Vegetarian

Le Bouf'Tard Address

11 Route de Seurre
Beaune , Côte-d'Or , 21200


Bाोहला Côτε-δ'Oρ Lำ BนีดงTฟพก Lा Bदहि'Tोी् 11 Rदहूा ्ा Sाहीीा Côאק-ג'Oר Lث Bخعب'Tشقي Côفث-ي'Oق Beaune Lק Bםוכ'Tשרג Italian Côte-d'Or 11 Rخعفث يث Sثعققث French Food Bεαθνε Bثشعىث Le Bouf'Tard 11 Route de Seurre Côеу-в'Oк ๅๅ Rนีะำ กำ Sำีพพำ Côteßd'Or Bequne Bуфгту Vegetarian Lε Bοθφ'Tαρδ Le Bouf'Tqrd Lу Bщга'Tфкв Bำฟีืำ Côूा-्'Oी && Route de Seurre CôะำขกงOพ 11 Rοθτε δε Sεθρρε Traditional French 11 Rщгеу ву Sугкку Pizza 11 Rםואק גק Sקוררק Bקשומק
