Kef S.A.R.L.


Kef S.A.R.L. Description

The Kef S.A.R.L. restaurant is located at the 46 Rue du Faubourg Madeleine, Beaune Côte-d'Or. It serves Fast Food food. For more deatils and orders call Kef S.A.R.L. on 03 80 24 32 56.

Kef S.A.R.L. Phone Number

Kef S.A.R.L. Opening Hours

Opening Time is not available.


Kef S.A.R.L. Location

Kef S.A.R.L. Website

Website URL is not available.

Kef S.A.R.L. Cuisine

Fast Food

Kef S.A.R.L. Address

46 Rue du Faubourg Madeleine
Beaune , Côte-d'Or , 21200


Côفث-ي'Oق Bाोहला Bεαθνε Côte-d'Or Beaune Kाि S.A.R.L. Kثب SزAزRزLز Kef S:A:R:L: Bequne Bำฟีืำ Côteßd'Or 46 Rθε δθ Fαθβοθργ Mαδελεινε Côאק-ג'Oר Côτε-δ'Oρ '- Rue du Fqubourg Mqdeleine Kуа SюAюRюLю 46 Rгу вг Fфгищгкп Mфвудушту Kำด SใAใRใLใ CôะำขกงOพ Kεφ S.A.R.L. Fast Food 46 Rוק גו Fשונםורע Mשגקךקןמק Bקשומק 46 Rعث يع Fشعلاخعقل Mشيثمثهىث Bуфгту ภุ Rีำ กี Fฟีินีพเ Mฟกำสำรืำ Kef S.A.R.L. Kקכ SץAץRץLץ 46 Rहा ्ह Fोहवदहीु Mो्ातागला Bثشعىث Côूा-्'Oी Côеу-в'Oк 46 Rue du Faubourg Madeleine
