Restaurant la Paillote


Restaurant la Paillote Description

The Restaurant la Paillote restaurant is located at the 6 Rue du Faubourg Bretonniere, Beaune Côte-d'Or. It serves Chinese and International food. For more deatils and orders call Restaurant la Paillote on 03 80 22 37 47.

Restaurant la Paillote Phone Number

Restaurant la Paillote Opening Hours

Opening Time is not available.


Restaurant la Paillote Location

Restaurant la Paillote Website

Website URL is not available.

Restaurant la Paillote Cuisine

Chinese , International

Restaurant la Paillote Address

6 Rue du Faubourg Bretonniere
Beaune , Côte-d'Or , 21200


Chinese Bثشعىث Rثسفشعقشىف مش Pشهممخفث Bाोहला 6 Rعث يع Fشعلاخعقل Bقثفخىىهثقث Bקשומק ุ Rีำ กี Fฟีินีพเ Bพำะนืืรำพำ Bequne Bεαθνε International 6 Rue du Faubourg Bretonniere Côte-d'Or Côteßd'Or Côूा-्'Oी Côеу-в'Oк French 6 Rθε δθ Fαθβοθργ Bρετοννιερε 6 Rгу вг Fфгищгкп Bкуещттшуку - Rue du Fqubourg Bretonniere Rεσταθραντ λα Pαιλλοτε Rקדאשורשמא ךש Pשןךךםאק Côאק-ג'Oר Côفث-ي'Oق Bำฟีืำ Rाेूोहीोलू तो Pोगततदूा CôะำขกงOพ Côτε-δ'Oρ Rуыефгкфте дф Pфшддщеу 6 Rוק גו Fשונםורע Bרקאםממןקרק Bуфгту Restqurqnt lq Pqillote Rำหะฟีพฟืะ สฟ Pฟรสสนะำ 6 Rहा ्ह Fोहवदहीु Bीाूदललगाीा French Food Restaurant la Paillote Beaune
